Fiverr affiliate dashboard illustration

Easy way to Navigating the Fiverr affiliate dashboard

It might be easier for some to navigate the Fiverr affiliate dashboard but not in the case of many, especially if that someone is new to the Fiverr affiliate program or even new to any affiliate program just like I used to be.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. And if you happen to click some links, thank you for your support.

When I started my affiliate journey some years ago, the first affiliate program I signup up for was the Fiverr affiliate program. It wasn’t easy for me to understand the use of the various tools that Fiverr offered on their dashboard.

Some might say there is nothing to be confused about while navigating the Fiverr affiliate dashboard, but I believe just like me there might be someone just starting out and may need a guide that can make it easier for them to start quicker in their Fiverr affiliate journey.

So in this post, I’m going to show everything you need to know about the Fiverr affiliate dashboard, from your analytics to your marketing tools, where you can find all the tools you might need.

Now, let’s move directly into the main purpose of this article.


The main window of the Fiverr affiliate dashboard.

The first step would be to login into your Fiverr account. Just type “Fiverr affiliate login” on your web browser and it will lead you to the browser results. Just click the Fiverr link and log in to your account and you’ll be led to the main window of your Fiverr affiliate dashboard.

The main window of the Fiverr affiliate dashboard remains the same except for the toolbar located on the left side of your screen. when you first log in you can find the quick report and tools bar just below your Affiliate username and the user ID.

You can navigate to four main windows from there which are the marketing tools, media reports, registration reports and the payment history. I will explain those in detail while showing you the same navigation tools from the main toolbar which is on the left-hand side of your dashboard.

Note: If you are not yet on the Fiverr affiliate program and still not using Fiverr for affiliate marketing, then you might want to start considering it. Learn more about it here.

The main navigation menu of the Fiverr affiliate dashboard

Now let’s move on to the main navigation menu of the Fiverr affiliate dashboard where you can access all the tools that you will need for your Fiverr affiliate marketing.

Marketing tools

Apart from the first option, which is the dashboard itself you will find the marketing tools option button. You will find all the promotional materials inside the marketing tools button such as banner ads, default and deep links, private marketing tools, the gigs ad widget and the search box widget.


Let’s look at the tools and the ways you can use them.

Fiverr Marketing tools
Source: Fiverr

All marketing tools

Within all marketing tools, you will find most of the promotional materials. The awesome thing about this option is that you can easily filter out your search for a specific type of promotional material you want to use.

For example, if you want promotional material for the Fiverr learn academy, filter it out in the Filter by brand section, then you can filter the type of material whether it would be a video or a JPEG image,

and then filter the language you want, then the creative name such as you want to promote an E-mail marketing course or Branding, then the image size option and select search. And if the material is available, it will all show up.

Private marketing tools

The second option you can find under the marketing tools is the private marketing tools. I think this tool is most probably useless as whenever I tried finding promotional materials inside it I couldn’t find anything.

Default and deep links

The tools under this option are some of the best tools you can find under the Fiverr affiliate dashboard as you can make most of the tweaks here to make the most out of your promotion.

The main and the default link you can find here are the links for Fiverr CPA, Fiverr Hybrid, AndCo, Fiverr learn, Fiverr business and Fiverr sub-affiliates.


You get the option to shorten the URL on the top left-hand side of the links and the right-hand side where it shows dynamic parameters and the LP URL gives you the option to modify your URLs/links and change them to deep links and also add the tracking options for your links.

Gig ads widget

Now comes the gigs ads widget, which is really a wonderful tool for your promotion. It gives you the power to promote any specific gig on your website pages and posts. Just like the WordPress website gig that I have embedded below.

To use the widget, just click the gid ads widget and choose a category filter it to certain keywords, click embed, and then copy the Html code to the page you want the gig to appear on your website or a landing page.


Search box widget

The last promotional tool that you can use from the Fiverr affiliate dashboard is the search box widget, you can see the example below. When embedded to your post or page your website visitors can search for any gigs directly from your web page.

The procedure to use this widget is the same as the gigs ad widget, just find the Html code after filtering the commission type and the language Fiverr offers and embed the widget through an Html code to your website.

The rest of the navigation options that you see in the Fiverr affiliate dashboard are about your performance reports. Let’s have look at it.



Reports/Payments/Earning reports

Under the report section, the first one would be the media report which shows you your promotion’s impression, clicks and conversion.

And the next one which is registration shows you if there are any registrations that have been done after clicking through your affiliate link.

Payments and the earning report Show you the covers the reports and data about your payment requests and earnings that you have got to date.


Pixels are a unique set of code that you can embed in your affiliate links if you want to keep track of your traffic and let you see the data about your link’s product ID, product name, and the commission you have earned

It also allows you to receive a notification for new registration and first-time buyers. And the pixels section stores the data of the pixel you have created.

Sub Affiliates

As you know there is a sub-affiliate program in the Fiverr affiliate program where you get a commission cut of 10% from your sub-affiliate (Affiliate that signs up through your link) the sub-affiliate section shows you your sub-affiliates reports and links.


Account details

Then comes the account details where you can update your details like e-mail, website, payment option and your password.

The second last one would be the Affiliate user guide, which also provides you with the detail on how to use to make the most out of your promotional tools and also navigate your Fiverr affiliate dashboard.

Fiverr account details section
Source: Fiverr


Apart from that, you will find the affiliate store which is the final and the last section of your Fiverr affiliate dashboard’s toolbar.

This section leads you to the handpicked as well as verified Fiverr services that you can buy to increase the profitability of your Fiverr affiliate business.

Overall, the Fiverr affiliate program is probably one of the best affiliate programs with flexible and high commission rates around.

Also, the dashboard and the marketing and promotional tools with so many different products to promote make Fiverr one of the most sought-after affiliate programs by many affiliate marketers, even some of the freelancers selling services in it.

In case you are not a Fiverr affiliate and want to be a part of the affiliate program, sign up here.


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